Tel: +1 (647) 620-2727

The Latest in Tattoo Removal & Stubborn Inks
Introducing the 2022
Choose from 4 different models and a variety of hand pieces for complete tattoo removal. Remove even the rarest inks, including lime green, turquoise, teal, sky blue, and resistant blacks.

Industry Leading
2 Year Extended Warranty
Variety & Performance
The 2022 NanoStar® Family comes with a variety of models and handpieces for treatment of multiple tattoo colors, pigmented lesions, skin rejuvenation, scar revision and more.
Treatable Colors

The NanoStar Family
Select from the industry's most advanced 694nm NanoStar Ruby to the new all-in-one, NanoStar C MT - featuring unique 'mixed' 694nm Ruby & 532nm/1064nm Nd:YAG wavelengths.

NanoStar® R
694 nm
Tattoo Removal
Pigment Removal

NanoStar® Y
532 nm, 1064 nm
Tattoo Removal
Pigment Removal
Skin Rejuvenation

Ruby & Nd:YAG
NanoStar® C
532 nm, 694 nm, 1064 nm
Tattoo Removal
Pigment Removal
Skin Rejuvenation

Mixed Ruby & Nd:YAG
NanoStar® C MT
532 nm, 694 nm, 1064 nm
Tattoo Removal
Stubborn inks
Pigment Removal
Skin Rejuvenation

532nm / 694nm / 1064nm Treatment Spectrum
12 Treatable Colours & Pigments, including Stubborn Inks.
Black / Brown / Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Lime Green / Teal / Turquoise / Sky Blue / Blue / Violet
More Features
Up to 3 Wavelengths
Depending on your needs, choose one or a combination of Ruby (694nm) and/or Nd:YAG (532nm/1064nm) wavelengths.
New Mixed Technology (MT)
Unique to the NanoStar® C MT, users can simultaneously combine Ruby & Nd:YAG wavelengths for expanded applications and reduced purpura.

Opti-Beam II Handpieces
Choose from six different handpieces, including Flattop, Fractional, Deep Fractional (DF) and High Coverage (HF) for a wide variety of treatments.
No Anaesthetic Required
With improved speed and comfort, topical aesthetics or skin preparations are now optional.
Applications / Indications
• tattoos & permanent makeup
• pigmented lesions
• acne scars
• melasma
• wrinkles
• skin rejuvenation
6 New Opti-Beam II Handpieces
The NanoStar comes with 6 handpieces. Each handpiece is precision crafted, ergonomically designed and lightweight.
9mm Ø (HC)
High Coverage (HC) handpiece for scars and skin resurfacing.
8mm Ø (DF)
Deep Fractional (DF) handpiece for pigmentation and photo-ageing.
5 x 5mm
Square spot handpiece for pigmented lesions & tattoo removal.
4 x 4mm
Square spot handpiece for pigmented lesions & tattoo removal.
3 x 3mm
Square spot handpiece for pigmented lesions & tattoo removal.
2 x 2mm
Square spot handpiece for pigmented lesions & tattoo removal.

NanoStar R
694 nm:
30 ns (QS)
2 ms (PT)
694 nm:
30 J/cm2 (QS)
50 J/cm2 (PT)
NanoStar Y
532 nm:
6 ns (QS)
6 ns + 6 ns (OP)
1064 nm:
6 ns (QS)
6 ns + 6 ns (OP)
300 us (PT)
532 nm:
12.5 J/cm2 (QS)
15 J/cm2 (OP)
1064 nm:
25 J/cm2 (QS)
37.5 J/cm2 (OP)
50 J/cm2 (PT)
NanoStar C
Nd:YAG, Ruby
532 nm:
6 ns (QS)
6 ns + 6 ns (OP)
694 nm:
30 ns (QS)
2 ms (PT)
1064 nm:
6 ns (QS)
6 ns + 6 ns (OP)
300 us (PT)
532 nm:
12.5 J/cm2 (QS)
15 J/cm2 (OP)
694 nm:
30 J/cm2 (QS)
50 J/cm2 (PT)
1064 nm:
25 J/cm2 (QS)
37.5 J/cm2 (OP)
50 J/cm2 (PT)
NanoStar C MT
Nd:YAG, Ruby
532 nm:
6 ns (QS)
6 ns + 6 ns (OP)
694 nm:
30 ns (QS)
2 ms (PT)
1064 nm:
6 ns (QS)
6 ns + 6 ns (OP)
300 us (PT)
532 nm:
12.5 J/cm2 (QS)
15 J/cm2 (OP)
694 nm:
30 J/cm2 (QS)
50 J/cm2 (PT)
1064 nm:
25 J/cm2 (QS)
37.5 J/cm2 (OP)
50 J/cm2 (PT)
> Only for NanoStar®C MT
MIX QS 694 + 1064 nm:
30 ns + 6 ns
MIX QS 694 + 532 nm:
30 ns + 6 ns
MIX PT 694 + 1064 nm:
1.6 ms + 300 µs
> Only for NanoStar C MT
MIX QS 694 + 1064 nm:
20 J/cm² + 17.5 J/cm²
MIX QS 694 + 532 nm:
20 J/cm² + 8.5 J/cm²
MIX PT 694 + 1064 nm:
32.5 J/cm² + 32.5 J/cm²
2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x4, 5 x 5 mm2 square
Fractional Ø 8 mm (DF) with typical cover rate 3 % – 10 % (depending on wavelength)
Fractional Ø 9 mm (HC) with typical cover rate 20 % – 40 % (depending on wavelength)
42cm x 116cm x 106cm (WxDxH)
Approx. 150kg (330lbs)
* QS = Q-Switched, OP = Opti-Pulse, PT = Photo-thermal
All specifications subject to change without notice.